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Contents: List of browsers/Methodics/Results/Overall results/Other comparisons/

Browser Olympics (Windows) Logo

List of browsers

Logo Name Developer Details Links
Google Chrome Google Read more... Desktop: Windows / macOS / Linux
Mobile: Android / iOS
Mozilla Firefox Mozilla Foundation Read more... Desktop: Windows / macOS / Linux
Mobile: Android / iOS
Microsoft Edge Microsoft Desktop: Windows (system)
Mobile: Windows Mobile (system)
Apple Safari Apple Read more... Desktop: Windows (unavailable) / macOS (system)
Mobile: iOS (system)
Opera Opera Software Read more... Desktop: Windows / macOS / Linux
Mobile: Android
Internet Explorer Microsoft Read more... Desktop: Windows (system)/ macOS (unavailable)
Mobile: Windows Mobile (system)
Opera Classic Opera Software Desktop: Windows / macOS / Linux
Yandex.Browser Yandex Read more... Desktop: Windows / macOS / Linux
Mobile: Android/ iOS
Sleipnir Fenrir Desktop: Windows / macOS
Mobile: Android / iOS
SRWare Iron SRWare Desktop: Windows / macOS / Linux
Mobile: Android
Maxthon Maxthon Ltd. Desktop: Windows / macOS / Linux
Mobile: Android / iOS / Windows Mobile
Comodo Dragon Comodo Group Desktop: Windows
BlackHawk Netgate Technologies Desktop: Windows
CoolNovo Maple Studio Desktop: Windows (unavailable) / macOS (unavailable) / Linux (unavailable)
Comodo Ice Dragon Comodo Group Desktop: Windows
Amigo Mail.Ru Group Desktop: Windows
Mobile: Android
Superbird Browser Superbird Desktop: Windows / macOS / Linux
Rambler/Browser Rambler Desktop: Windows
Torch Torch Media Desktop: Windows
SeaMonkey SeaMonkey Council Desktop: Windows / macOS / Linux
Rockmelt Rockmelt Desktop: Windows (unavailable) / macOS (unavailable)
Mobile: Android (unavailable) / iOS (unavailable)
Baidu Browser Baidu Desktop: Windows
Uran uCoz Desktop: Windows
QIP Surf QIP.RU Desktop: Windows
Orbitum Orbitum Desktop: Windows / macOS
Mobile: Android
Mail.ru Internet Mail.ru Desktop: Windows (unavailable)
Avant Browser Avant Force Desktop: Windows
Waterfox Waterfox Desktop: Windows / macOS / Linux
Pale Moon Moonchild Productions Desktop: Windows / macOS / Linux
Mobile: Android
CometBird BitComet Desktop: Windows
Qupzilla David Rosca Desktop: Windows / macOS / Linux
Lunascape Lunascape Desktop: Windows
Mobile: Android / iOS /
Midori Christian Dywan, Nancy Runge Desktop: Windows / Linux
SlimBoat FlashPeak Desktop: Windows / macOS / Linux
Dooble Dooble Desktop: Windows / macOS / Linux
Wyzo Radical Software Desktop: Windows (unavailable) / macOS (unavailable)
Arora Benjamin C. Meyer Desktop: Windows / macOS / Linux
GreenBrowser MoreQuick Desktop: Windows
AOL Explorer AOL Desktop: Windows (unavailable)
Netscape Navigator Netscape Communications Desktop: Windows (unavailable) / macOS (unavailable) / Linux (unavailable)
K-Meleon Christophe Thibault et al. Desktop: Windows
UC Browser UCWeb Desktop: Windows
Mobile: Android / iOS / Windows Mobile
Konqueror KDE Desktop: Windows / macOS / Linux
Amaya W3C Desktop: Windows / macOS / Linux
Flock Flock Desktop: Windows (unavailable) / macOS (unavailable) / Linux (unavailable)
Netsurf The NetSurf Developers Desktop: Windows / macOS / Linux
OWASP Mantra Security Toolkit OWASP Foundation Desktop: Windows / macOS / Linux
Mantra on Chromium OWASP Foundation Desktop: Windows


Browser results in each category: basic, features, performance are calculated as average of all parameters in the category multiplied by data completeness coefficient. Final result is calculated as average of categories results, taken with the coefficients corresponding importance of this category. Category cofficients vary between different operating systems and on average are: basic - 0.3, features - 0.2, performance - 0.5.


  • Development status
  • Initial release date
  • Last release date
  • Updates frequency
  • Popularity by aggregated information from analytics systems StatCounter, Net Applications, LiveInternet, Openstat.ru, StatOwl, Clicky, w3Counter, Wikimedia, w3Schools, Hotlog, Top.mail.ru
  • Rating in official OS store
  • Number of reviews
  • Rating on sites with applications reviews
  • Rating on sites C|NET, Softonic, Softpedia
  • Official website
  • Price
  • Installation process
  • Installer size
  • Download time
  • Launch time
  • CPU consumption
  • RAM consumption
  • Disk space consumption
  • Logo
  • Size of the work area
  • Appearance
  • Open source
  • OS support
  • Languages support
  • Security
  • Awards
  • TopTenReviews rating
  • Lifehacker rating
  • Tom's Hardware rating


  • Home page
  • Unuseful bookmarks
  • Tabs organization
  • History
  • Extensions
  • Developer tools
  • Sync
  • Data saver
  • Stability
  • Other
  • Features
  • Accessibility features
  • Web technologies
  • Plugins
  • Javascript
  • Protocols
  • Images
  • AppStudio rating



Comparison date: August 2013

Google Chrome28.0.1500.9574.0877.0575.3471.41
Mozilla Firefox22.073.9588.9387.9056.97
Yandex Browser1.7.1364.1726272.2667.0379.6072.43
SRWare Iron27.0.1500.070.2464.0772.4673.48
Comodo Dragon28.
Opera Classic12.1669.6973.8589.2257.57
Comodo Ice Dragon22.
Internet Explorer10.0.9200.1663564.0372.0761.6559.57
SuperBird Browser27.0.1454.9563.8957.0562.7169.20
Spark Browser26.2.9999.66562.7061.7155.4966.79
Uran Ucoz26.0.1410.4362.3951.8759.4271.11
QIP Surf24.10.1312.5760.1555.5155.1165.74
Rambler Nichrome27.0.1453.9359.6254.2759.4263.43
Mail.ru Internet27.0.1453.9559.4554.7858.4463.18
Avant Browser2013 build 11059.2452.9042.6571.47
Pale Moon20.2.154.7559.3850.5953.50
AOL Explorer1.5001.7.125.7834.9912.7525.53
Netscape Browser9.0.0.622.7446.5024.395.46

Major competitors: Basic

Major competitors: Features

Major competitors: Performance

Major competitors: Final results

Overall results

Logo Name Gold Silver Bronze Total
Google Chrome 1 0 0 1
Mozilla Firefox 0 1 0 1
Opera 0 0 1 1

Comparisons list:
Windows: 1 (2013)

Other comparisons

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